Russell School is a School-Wide Title I School. As a School-Wide Title I school, we try to communicate as openly and frequently as we can. The items listed below are all attempts we make to keep parents connected with what is going on at Russell School.

Russell's Title I Flyer
This flyer is available at Russell School and is handed out at many of our Title I Parent Nights. This flyer gives an overview of our Title I program.
Title I Flyer 2022-23.pdf
Title I Parent-Student-Teacher Compact
Russell's Parent Compact is a document that shows the roles our staff, parents, and students all play in ensuring we work together for our students' greatest success.
Title Compact.docx
Title I Parent Engagement Plan
Each year, several Russell Staff members, including the Principal and Title I teacher, meet with parents to review and update our plan for involving parents in meaningful ways with events at school. If you are interested in reviewing our plan or getting feel for the many opportunities we have to get involved, you are invited to review the documents below.
RS Title 1 Parent Engagement Plan.pdf
Opportunities for Involvement
There is always a lot going on at Russell School! As a Title I school, parents are invited to observe their child's class at any time. We also have numerous opportunities for parents to attend academic celebrations like Math or Reading Night, help in a classroom during events like STEAM Day, or attend the many parent conference or music performances we have throughout the year. To view a comprehensive list of these days, you can review the documents below.
Title I Parent Action Plan: Opportunities to get involved.pdf
School-Wide Improvement Plan
As a School-Wide Title I school, Russell School is required to annually submit a School-Wide Improvement Plan (SWIP) to the Idaho State Department of Education. The SWIP gives detailed academic achievement information and provides more specific details about our academic support program. To view Russell School's SWIP, click on the following links.
SWIP Needs Assessment.pdf
SWIP Plan Components.pdf